Wpeinit.exe installs Plug and Play (PnP) devices, starting the networking stack, and processing Unattend.xml settings when Windows PE starts. If Winpeshl.ini does exist and it contains apps to launch, these apps are executed instead of Cmd.exe. If the file does not exist, Winpeshl.exe starts a Cmd.exe process that executes the Startnet.cmd script. Winpeshl.exe searches for a file called Winpeshl.ini. This is specified by the following registry value of type REG_SZ. Winpeshl.exe, Wpeinit.exe, wpeutil.exe, and wpeutil.dllīy default, Winpeshl.exe is the first process run when Windows PE is booted. To have your app bypass the command line and start in your GUI, use Winpeshl.exe, Wpeinit.exe, wpeutil.exe, and wpeutil.dll. If it is acceptable to show a command prompt, then modify Startnet.cmd – this is the most convenient way to automatically start an app. Two examples are the Windows Setup app and the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE). The majority of Windows PE apps are fixed-function shell apps that provide their own GUI. It should not be used as a thin client or an embedded operating system. It may not be used for any purpose other than deployment and recovery. Windows PE is not a general-purpose operating system. This topic provides guidelines for OEMs to develop deployment and recovery apps that run in Windows PE. Windows PE (WinPE) is licensed to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to create customized deployment and recovery utilities.